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First Date Ideas

10 Interesting First  Date Ideas 


You first signed up on a dating site to find that special someone because you seem not to be having much luck with the traditional ways of finding a partner.  Finally, after weeks of scouring the profiles on Charmerly.com, loveswans.com and all the others, you hit the jackpot! You find this special someone, and she looks even better than her profile picture and videos. You have been chatting for a couple of days now, and you have chemistry.  Then you both decide that you are going to meet.

The first date will, of course, have both of you feeling pressured to make a good first impression. The truth is a good first impression is priceless, and this is why you are both nerve-wracked trying to make sure the special meeting day goes perfectly. You might want to play it safe with dinner and drinks, but then so will all the other guys who take her out.

If you care for your date and hope that something more should happen after that initial meeting, then you have to do it a little differently.  She has to stick around because she finds you interesting and how do you become interesting? By simply going out of your way to give her a great time with unique first date ideas. Just remember that the simplest date ideas are the most fun.

Here is the list of 10 good first date ideas that will wow her and make her want to meet you again.

#1 A Walk after Dinner or Coffee

Taking a lady for a walk during a date was very popular with women in their 30s, 50s, and 60s and ranked 4th among women in their 20s. This makes it a great choice after, of course, taking her for coffee or dinner at a good place. If the weather is sunny on that day or the night sky is beautiful with a full moon and stars, take her for a walk. Make sure you take her for a walk in lovely places that a peaceful. It could be the park, or if you are in the countryside, you could take her to a walk in the fields.

First Date

A walk might not be so romantic if it is in the busy city streets with crowds, blaring horns, and people shoving past both of you. A peaceful walk in the fields, along the beach or somewhere where it is beautiful could be just the thing you need to talk more and connect. This could be a very romantic scenario and will strengthen that connection you already have.

#2 A Museum Visit

A museum visit is another great first date idea.  You could take her for coffee then take her to several museums around your location.  Most museums are usually free, affordable, and some even accept donations. If you both love art and history, then you will love visiting museums and talking about art and history.  You will both find your talks enlightening as view each other’s perspective on life, history, and art. The museum visits are a great way of killing any awkward silences because there will be a great supply of conversation starters all around you.  Besides, most museums have small cafes inside you can either grab a bite and coffee before you begin your museum tour or after you have gone around the museum.

#3 A Farmers Market Visit

This is a great first date idea because the farmers market is a public place and very safe.  If you are both interested in farmers produce, cooking ingredients and natural food, then you will have a lot to talk about as you go around.  You can discuss flowers, fruit, jam preferences, and various cooking ingredients. As the date progresses, you can also shop together then buy coffee, fruit and ice cream and sitting somewhere together and drinking together.  If you are both having a great time, you can take it further and buy ingredients, then set up a second date where you will cook together. In case the date is not going well, you can still use the purchase of the ingredients as an excuse to go home and put them in the fridge to preserve their freshness.

#4 A Hiking Date

If you are both the outdoors type, this is a lovely and romantic way to familiarize yourselves. Don’t take her to a secluded trek or the one that takes hours to complete. Go easy on the first date by simply going on a walking trail around your city, park or out there in the countryside. Pack enough water and a few snacks, then let both of you dress in hiking outfits and comfortable shoes that will make hitting the road fun. As you walk the trails, you will have plenty of time for conversation, and you will also learn about your date’s fitness skills.

#5 An Animal Shelter Visit

If you both love animals, this date idea would be perfect for you. You can visit this animal shelter and check out the selection of animals from the cute kittens, komodo dragons to very cute-looking or mangy looking dogs. You can interact with the animals, take cute pictures, and have a lot to talk about. This would also be a great opportunity to see how your date interacts with animals. You can also tell how affectionate they are from the way they are relating to animals. If your date doesn’t like animals, then this kind of date would be a bad idea, but if they do, then you will both have fun.

#6 A Sporting Event

If you share a love for a certain sport and a major sport event is coming up, why not get tickets for this event for both of you? Head to that local game.  It could be tennis, football, soccer, or a marathon event. You will both have fun as you cheer your teams on. Besides, you will both get to know more about each other by how you both react to events such as this. Sporting events are perfect because there will never be room for those awkward silences, you will be talking and when you are not talking you will both be watching the live event.  Again, if your date is not into sports, don’t take her to the sporting event.

#7 A Park Picnic

This is another perfect idea, especially if the weather is bright and sunny. There is nothing as romantic as an outdoor picnic in your local park. Pack fruit,  cheese, crackers, wine, and any other snack you feel will be appropriate. This beats that fancy restaurant dinner as a first date idea because it is more thoughtful and personal.  The bonding will happen more strongly in this natural setup.

#8 A Music Concert

This is another great idea especially if you are both fans of the band or artist whose concert you are attending.  This is a great opportunity for both of you to bond while having fun singing and dancing to the music. Nothing beats singing along to your favorite music with a woman who is probably the love of your life by your side.

First Date Ideas

#9 Volunteer Together

Volunteering together is a great way to bond and make a difference in your community. It is also a great first date idea. You could volunteer at a children’s center, animal shelter, planting trees or a community cleanup activity. You can check out your date’s interaction skills with other volunteers, and this will tell you a lot about their character and their willingness to try new things.

#10 A Book Fair

This will work if you are both avid readers.  If a book fair is coming up within your location, invite her to attend the event with you. Buy a couple of books; discuss new authors and the authors featured in the book fair.  Discuss your favorite books and the concept behind ideas of certain books. If you are readers, you will have a lot to discuss, and the date will be anything but boring. However, if your girl isn’t into books, she will probably be bored to tears, and you won’t have a second date.


You are probably looking forward to the best first date.  As you have seen, there are many things to do on the first date. When chatting to your date online through your dating site, find out what she likes, and if you both enjoy the same things, then you can choose your first date idea based on those things.

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